Angel Wing Heart To C, | SnowRiiの世界

Monday 17 February 2014


To C,

  I haven't seen you in many years. I think our last conversation was in Massey's courtyard where you were taking a smoke break, back in 2010. I always thought you smelled too strongly of smoke. Yep, you were the smoky mister.

We've actually known each other for quite a number of years haven't we? Since back in the days my mother was still studying (and you too I think?). You were one of those 3 tall men I always hear about- L, J, and you. And of course, plump ol' B. Did you know? He's actually quite the handyman, and also a life-hacks expert!

I heard about your admittance to hospital through the staff email. Even though you had left the department, everyone still remembers you. I hope the cards and wishes that were sent from us made your time in bed a little more comfortable- even if for the few minutes you read them. When I heard about your circumstances, I made a stab at the reason. I think I may have been right, but it doesn't matter anyway. You worked too hard, and you must have known it was too much too.

How is it there? Is it less stressful than it was here? I didn't hear much about you since you left the department, since many of the old 'batch' left actually. I just heard you were taking a massive amount of extra teaching at different places. I hope you gave yourself some breaks between all the madness to make some memories with your wife! I hope she is looking after herself alright...

I don't know if you've heard about J recently, but if you have some time, please send some positive vibes that way eh? It's plenty awkward, but I assume we (I will try though I probably won't be actually invited ;;;;) will all be at your memorial. You better be there to watch it too! There will be lots of important people with their important time there!!!

This noon, you have reminded me that sometimes we work too hard for things we don't even need. The things that consume much of our time, and that we obsess over don't really matter at all, yet they became the pivot of our lives. Thanks, C, for reminding me to calm my farm. All that brand really doesn't matter as much as I think it does haha~

Well anyway, I better get my ass back to work now. I will (hopefully) be seeing you in the near future, or if not, then here's a wave (*wave*) goodbye.
  1. Unknown said... 17 February 2014 at 14:39

    Woah this post is really good! And your blog is adorable!!! You have a new follower hon
    there's a giveaway in my blog if you're interested, xo.

  2. Unknown said... 19 February 2014 at 09:24

    Thanks Nersy, followed you too ~ love your chic style!

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