Angel Wing Heart Last-minute changes are irksome | SnowRiiの世界

Monday 3 February 2014


Last-minute changes are irksome

OK so I remember many instances where I changed my mind at the last minute, most recently being the friday night Lion King screening at Silo Park which I realised at 6pm that I had no transport home after.

BUT in saying that, I weighed all consequences of my not attending, and seeing as everyone had someone close they could stick to, and no-one would be implicitly affected by the lack of my presence (ie. i was no-one's ride home or anything) I decided it was okay to pull out. The only downside being that I couldn't catch up with everyone and enjoy a nice evening out with the girls.

But when people decide to change their mind at the last minute, and their decisions affect people up to four relations away from them, it's just SO inconsiderate. It's like, did you not realise there may be an issue earlier? This has been in the discussion pipeline for an entire week. I understand if you haven't put much time into thinking about it because you had a lot of moving around and adjusting to do but then don't just casually give the ok to begin with then???

To me, the issue they were worried about is not really that big a deal because I know several people in the business. I'm 99% sure there will be zero problems, in fact, no-one will even give a shit. But if they're gonna be worried about it, fair enough. There are lawful implications b/c of liability and whatnot. BUT IT WAS ALWAYS THERE. It's not like the law was placed just yesterday, not like they signed their contract last week. They all KNEW what terms and conditions were in place so why chicken out at the last minute after everyone has been notified and are planing out their end of the changes??? If you're going to chicken out, do it earlier goddammit.

Anyway, the issue will be resolved, and all that's hurt is my reputation with practically everyone involved.


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