Angel Wing Heart My PWI character customisation codes | SnowRiiの世界

Tuesday 28 January 2014

My PWI character customisation codes

OMG today is so weird. This is my 3rd post on snowrii no sekai, and I am in the process of typing a second for Confetti as well wtf!?

Anyway, so I think I mentioned it before in some post a while back (sometime this month lol. Not that far back)- I used to play PWI (Perfect World International)

I actually clocked an insane amount of hours both day and night on it while I was in Canada, which is quite a waste of time I know, but on the other hand it got the gamer out of my system for which I am quite thankful. I truly don't have time to waste on endless games anymore ><

Anyway, since I have moved on from PWI, I thought I'd share my custom character codes with everyone- or anyone that still plays and wants a custom character, but cbf spending *2 hrs+* playing around with settings.

Personally, that is pretty much the only thing I like to do in games anymore. Yup, make the character look pretty .-.

I found the code for 3 characters, I also had a fourth one but I don't think I customised it and i cbf downloading the client again to fish it out.

The classes I played were: Mystic, Psychic, Seeker, Cleric, and Venomancer (this is the one I don't think I customised, but don't take my word on it). I may have played some other classes too, but I usually stick to the magic type classes so I think these are what I played.

I'm putting it there because, if you've tried customising before you will realise that the features available (ie. eyes, nose) for each class are different. So with the following 3 sets of codes, I don't remember which character was which class so just try them and if it looks nice then it fits xD

Tip: It may help to see if there are any glitches on the rendering. I often set things like chin and hair to just before it starts showing holes, so if it has problems then it's probably the wrong class.

codes are right under the cut because the post is like, 10 pages long .-.

First, xSnowBerri's code (I think she's a cleric)

scaleUp = 135
scaleMiddle = 120
scaleDown = 110

idFaceShape1 = 23
idFaceShape2 = 23
blendFaceShape = 50

scaleFaceH = 102
scaleFaceV = 125
idFaceTex = 5

idFalingSkin = 434
idFalingTex = 436

offsetForeheadH = 130
offsetForeheadV = 130
offsetForeheadZ = 128
rotateForehead = 125
scaleForehead = 128

offsetYokeBoneH = 120
offsetYokeBoneV = 130
offsetYokeBoneZ = 75
rotateYokeBone = 125
scaleYokeBone = 130

offsetCheekH = 120
offsetCheekV = 130
offsetCheekZ = 115
scaleCheek = 90

offsetChainV = 148
offsetChainZ = 105
rotateChain = 140
scaleChainH = 100

offsetJawH = 100
offsetJawV = 130
offsetJawZ = 140
scaleJawSpecial = 100
scaleJawH = 100
scaleJawV = 128

idThirdEye = 0
idEyeBaseTex = 257
idEyeHighTex = 12
idEyeBallTex = 9
idEyeShape = 33
scaleEyeH = 135
scaleEyeV = 255
rotateEye = 110
offsetEyeH = 105
offsetEyeV = 100
offseteyeZ = 100
scaleEyeBall = 218
scaleEyeH2 = 135
scaleEyeV2 = 255
rotateEye2 = 110
offsetEyeH2 = 105
offsetEyeV2 = 100
offseteyeZ2 = 100
scaleEyeBall2 = 218

idBrowTex = 6
idBrowShape = 352
scaleBrowH = 95
scaleBrowV = 82
rotateBrow = 83
offsetBrowH = 115
offsetBrowV = 147
offsetBrowZ = 105
scaleBrowH2 = 95
scaleBrowV2 = 82
rotateBrow2 = 83
offsetBrowH2 = 115
offsetBrowV2 = 147
offsetBrowZ2 = 105

idNoseTex = 3
idNoseTipShape = 16
scaleNoseTipH = 100
scaleNoseTipV = 64
scaleNoseTipZ = 100
offsetNoseTipV = 117
idNoseBridgeShape = 15
scaleBridgeTipH = 90
offsetBridgeTipZ = 90

idMouthUpLipLine = 89
idMouthMidLipLine = 86
idMouthDownLipLine = 92
thickUpLip = 110
thickDownLip = 110
scaleMouthH = 65
offsetMouthV = 115
offsetMOuthZ = 120
idMouthTex = 14
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 130
scaleMouthH2 = 65
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 130

idEarShape = 21
scaleEar = 128
offsetEarV = 128

idHairModel = 416
idHairTex = 311

idMoustacheTex = 0
idMoustacheSkin = 0
idGoateeTex = 0

colorHair = -1393728
colorFace = -1
colorEye = -2696721
colorBrow = -5866408
colorMouth = -2063736
colorEyeBall = -11127728
colorMoustache = -1

bodyID = 0
colorBody = -1
headScale = 132
upScale = 90
waistScale = 80
armWidth = 95
legWidth = 95
breastScale = 105

and then there's xSnowKitty (I think she's a seeker?)

scaleUp = 160
scaleMiddle = 100
scaleDown = 110

idFaceShape1 = 23
idFaceShape2 = 23
blendFaceShape = 50

scaleFaceH = 60
scaleFaceV = 90
idFaceTex = 864

idFalingSkin = 434
idFalingTex = 436

offsetForeheadH = 100
offsetForeheadV = 120
offsetForeheadZ = 180
rotateForehead = 128
scaleForehead = 128

offsetYokeBoneH = 130
offsetYokeBoneV = 125
offsetYokeBoneZ = 130
rotateYokeBone = 130
scaleYokeBone = 120

offsetCheekH = 130
offsetCheekV = 130
offsetCheekZ = 120
scaleCheek = 128

offsetChainV = 128
offsetChainZ = 128
rotateChain = 135
scaleChainH = 128

offsetJawH = 128
offsetJawV = 140
offsetJawZ = 120
scaleJawSpecial = 128
scaleJawH = 110
scaleJawV = 110

idThirdEye = 0
idEyeBaseTex = 257
idEyeHighTex = 256
idEyeBallTex = 9
idEyeShape = 33
scaleEyeH = 165
scaleEyeV = 255
rotateEye = 142
offsetEyeH = 90
offsetEyeV = 90
offseteyeZ = 150
scaleEyeBall = 190
scaleEyeH2 = 165
scaleEyeV2 = 255
rotateEye2 = 142
offsetEyeH2 = 90
offsetEyeV2 = 90
offseteyeZ2 = 150
scaleEyeBall2 = 190

idBrowTex = 6
idBrowShape = 28
scaleBrowH = 160
scaleBrowV = 115
rotateBrow = 81
offsetBrowH = 128
offsetBrowV = 100
offsetBrowZ = 128
scaleBrowH2 = 160
scaleBrowV2 = 115
rotateBrow2 = 81
offsetBrowH2 = 128
offsetBrowV2 = 100
offsetBrowZ2 = 128

idNoseTex = 3
idNoseTipShape = 16
scaleNoseTipH = 74
scaleNoseTipV = 64
scaleNoseTipZ = 100
offsetNoseTipV = 120
idNoseBridgeShape = 15
scaleBridgeTipH = 30
offsetBridgeTipZ = 80

idMouthUpLipLine = 89
idMouthMidLipLine = 86
idMouthDownLipLine = 92
thickUpLip = 90
thickDownLip = 95
scaleMouthH = 64
offsetMouthV = 150
offsetMOuthZ = 106
idMouthTex = 14
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 137
scaleMouthH2 = 64
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 137

idEarShape = 21
scaleEar = 114
offsetEarV = 140

idHairModel = 942
idHairTex = 952

idMoustacheTex = 0
idMoustacheSkin = 0
idGoateeTex = 0

colorHair = -3677460
colorFace = -1
colorEye = -1
colorBrow = -855318
colorMouth = -2063736
colorEyeBall =  -11127728
colorMoustache = -11571145

bodyID = 4
colorBody = -1
headScale = 128
upScale = 90
waistScale = 80
armWidth = 95
legWidth = 95
breastScale = 105

and finally, lxPRINCESSxl (I think she's a Psychic)

scaleUp = 160
scaleMiddle = 100
scaleDown = 110

idFaceShape1 = 23
idFaceShape2 = 23
blendFaceShape = 50

scaleFaceH = 86
scaleFaceV = 117
idFaceTex = 5

idFalingSkin = 434
idFalingTex = 436

offsetForeheadH = 100
offsetForeheadV = 120
offsetForeheadZ = 130
rotateForehead = 128
scaleForehead = 128

offsetYokeBoneH = 140
offsetYokeBoneV = 85
offsetYokeBoneZ = 122
rotateYokeBone = 128
scaleYokeBone = 128

offsetCheekH = 120
offsetCheekV = 130
offsetCheekZ = 110
scaleCheek = 90

offsetChainV = 148
offsetChainZ = 105
rotateChain = 140
scaleChainH = 90

offsetJawH = 100
offsetJawV = 130
offsetJawZ = 140
scaleJawSpecial = 70
scaleJawH = 100
scaleJawV = 105

idThirdEye = 0
idEyeBaseTex = 11
idEyeHighTex = 562
idEyeBallTex = 9
idEyeShape = 33
scaleEyeH = 140
scaleEyeV = 245
rotateEye = 110
offsetEyeH = 112
offsetEyeV = 60
offseteyeZ = 106
scaleEyeBall = 212
scaleEyeH2 = 140
scaleEyeV2 = 245
rotateEye2 = 110
offsetEyeH2 = 112
offsetEyeV2 = 60
offseteyeZ2 = 106
scaleEyeBall2 = 212

idBrowTex = 7
idBrowShape = 352
scaleBrowH = 110
scaleBrowV = 78
rotateBrow = 125
offsetBrowH = 129
offsetBrowV = 75
offsetBrowZ = 149
scaleBrowH2 = 110
scaleBrowV2 = 78
rotateBrow2 = 125
offsetBrowH2 = 129
offsetBrowV2 = 75
offsetBrowZ2 = 149

idNoseTex = 1
idNoseTipShape = 16
scaleNoseTipH = 90
scaleNoseTipV = 185
scaleNoseTipZ = 88
offsetNoseTipV = 87
idNoseBridgeShape = 17
scaleBridgeTipH = 30
offsetBridgeTipZ = 75

idMouthUpLipLine = 89
idMouthMidLipLine = 86
idMouthDownLipLine = 92
thickUpLip = 116
thickDownLip = 76
scaleMouthH = 64
offsetMouthV = 70
offsetMOuthZ = 120
idMouthTex = 14
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 145
scaleMouthH2 = 64
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 145

idEarShape = 21
scaleEar = 128
offsetEarV = 128

idHairModel = 942
idHairTex = 952

idMoustacheTex = 0
idMoustacheSkin = 0
idGoateeTex = 0

colorHair = -1326909
colorFace = -265479
colorEye = -1528141
colorBrow = -1393699
colorMouth = -2063727
colorEyeBall = -2862511
colorMoustache = -1

bodyID = 5
colorBody = -1
headScale = 128
upScale = 90
waistScale = 90
armWidth = 95
legWidth = 95
breastScale = 100

I actually remember now that I have two more official characters, called xSnowBlossom (probably a Mystic. Mystics have the best features ;w;) and xSnowRii (probably a Veno, she's my first official character. Duh :p), but I don't see saved code for them so...sorry :/ xSnowBlossom is super pretty and unique too *sigh*

Anyway, if you like, please do use these, or modify them to your preferences. I haven't given them out to anyone before, so they are most likely one of a kind right now as I don't play anymore :)

Hope you enjoy these customs!

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