Angel Wing Heart Photoshoot on Auckland Anniversary Day | SnowRiiの世界

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Photoshoot on Auckland Anniversary Day

Yesterday (the last monday of January?) is the annual Auckland Anniversary Day.

I stupidly thought that there would be no-one out on this day, and requested to do my photoshoot for PretzelPOP magazine at the beautiful and new(ish) Silo Park in downtown Auckland. It's a perfect location for the style of photos I wanted-

note: all taken off my pinterest board

But no. Silly me didn't realise ahead of time that Silo Park, the prettiest and most tourist-attracting place in town would be the prime location for hosting Auckland's anniversary festival.

Sometimes I feel like my brain is floating in some other dimension :/

Anyhow, my photographer yesterday (Anniv. Day) is from our uni photography club. It was the first time I got to work with someone from our uni, and omg the shoot was so fast. Like, is this how it should be? 'Cause I'm totally loving it >0<!! Plus, the photos came out suuuuuper nice. I've only seen them on the camera, at the shoot, but I bet when they've been processed they will be absolutely stunning eep!

Like, I kid you not, I felt like i was on one of these spreads:
*Sobs in happiness*

The photos may not be out for a while. They will come out on PretzelPOP first since I don't want to ruin the surprise of magazine spreads before the first issue comes out, but I will be blogging up any extra photos from the shoot ^^


Oh and new CLs for 2014 have been opened! Tried my first pair for this shoot. Reviews for these lenses will be out after my 2013 lens roundup :)

preview photo from my instagram @snowrii

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