Angel Wing Heart Comment captchas - I'm getting sick of them. | SnowRiiの世界

Saturday 22 February 2014


Comment captchas - I'm getting sick of them.

So a lot of people on blogger seem to have this captcha thing enabled.

I understand that perhaps there is a lot of spam and bots and whatnot, and i just realised that I had mine enabled too (awks). It's turned off now!

My point is, when you check all your blog feed and read like 5~10 posts at a time, a ~10ish number captcha for every comment you make is mf-ing annoying!

It's gotten to the point where sometimes I really cbf commenting. But I want the blogger to keep writing so I comment anyway. So far I haven't lazied out on commenting at all *pats self on back*

I remember someone (who? don't remember anymore) was complaining that they don't get feedback so they don't want to blog anymore. That was a little different though, I remember checking their blog and they never reply to comments. Why should you expect people to leave comments if you don't ever reply hm? But yeah, because of that person's rant, I try my best to always comment!

Anyway, I hope people can loosen up on the captchas. It's default setting, so perhaps authors don't realise it (like myself), but I am seriously so thankful to bloggers that disabled the captchas. VIRTUAL HUGZ TO EVERYONE WHO DOESN'T USE GOOGLE'S CAPTCHA 

edit: I have now switched over to disqus so I don't think I have the captchas anymore? If I do and its really long please tell me so I can edit/remove it!
k rant over. Bai :)


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