Angel Wing Heart Chinese New Year and another visit to Milse! [Confetti] | SnowRiiの世界

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Chinese New Year and another visit to Milse! [Confetti]

First of all, happy Chinese/Lunar New Year everyone! For all the horses out there, I hope you stocked up on your red knickers for the year! (jks, does anyone even still believe that superstition???)

It’s been a long-standing Chinese tradition to stuff one’s face full of yummy food and Chinese spirits on new year’s eve with the extended family. But all my relatives are in China and I didn’t get to go back this year for a visit :/

My mom and I spent the NYE at our family friends’, and in fact they’re pretty much our ‘family’! We went over for Christmas as well (you can see the food, and all my selfies with their dog Rainnie here), but our CNY feast is thankfully much more humble.



So yesterday, I had my first dinner of the lunar new year in the company of two girls I rarely get to meet up with. One of them left the city to go back to uni, so I won’t be seeing her for another couple months (T_T) and the other just came back from an exchange to the States!

I had such a good time catching up with these girls I’ve known since high school (omg so many years ago!), over some of Milse’s new desserts of the season~ I hope we can do it again next time everyone is in Auckland! (*´▽`*)

Here are some of the desserts from last night. A couple of them were long demolished before I arrived and made sure everything was captured on camera though :’(

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