Angel Wing Heart Hotpot is the best in a cold autumn ~ | SnowRiiの世界

Tuesday 29 April 2014


Hotpot is the best in a cold autumn ~

Recently my newsfeeds have been flooded with super gorgeous photoshoots in sakura, summer outfit hauls and OOTDs, kawaii little girls in yukata (thank you Humans of New York (≧∇≦)) and gorgeous girls in bikinis. Thinspiration much? Haha~

While the northern hemisphere has settled in to the swing of carefree summers of bbqs, beaches, massive-cosplay-making-plans etc., NZ is officially in autumn. Only, Autumn this year is weirdly bipolar. If you heard about NZ, chances are you will have heard about out wickedly unique weather; most days we get all 4 seasons, and occasionally multiple seasons at once. It's not uncommon to see a beautiful blue sky with the sun shining brightly at 20 degrees celsius, but rain is absolutely pouring down.

This week marks the start of the second term of first semester. I'm super excited that my travel plans are drawing closer (have I mentioned that I will be in Europe June 26-July13 and Tokyo July14-15?)! But at the same time, the sudden drop in temperature has been quite the shock.

Last Sunday, the night before uni, I finally got to visit a hotpot buffet for the first time in YEARS. Some people call it steamboat but directly translated from mandarin, 火锅 is actually 'fire pot' so I call it hotpot.
Photo from Google. We were way messier than this LOL

I got to catch up with some uni friends whom I never seem to meet up with anymore even though we go to the same uni lolwtf. Chinese hotpot restaurants in NZ are usually buffet style, so we completely pigged out and ate wayyyyy too much!
Our buffet area looks something like this stock image, but there was a loooot more meat. And actually just a much larger food variety than this image.

I gained 2.something kg from dinner. Yes, I weighed myself before and after >> << >>

This restaurant was extra awesome because it's the first hotpot I've been to where they serve scampi!
This is scampi. And scampi is delicious.

Unfortunately we were too far from the buffet area to catch the big ones, but the smaller ones were nice too ~ next time I will sit my arse right next to the buffet area for those scampis!! >:|

Is anyone else in the Southern hemisphere btw?@@ it feels really awkward uploading thick winter OOTDs when most of the people I follow are in summer right now QAQ


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