Angel Wing Heart Retail Therapy, and I'm getting a new hairstyle! | SnowRiiの世界

Thursday 10 April 2014

Retail Therapy, and I'm getting a new hairstyle!

So I know it's Wednesday, but I am sooo tired of the uni work that's piling up and I just really needed to take a break and clear it all from my mind for a bit.

I was actually supposed to buy some clothes for work and interviews and y'know, more formal occasions. However I made the mistake of checking out Tatty's first (it's a resale shop on High St, Auckland CBD) aaaaand of course I ended up buying *sorta* not work-able clothes.

Ok the blouse is kinda cute, it could work.

Very light pink, with a hint of peach. $30
The brand of the blouse is SOUP which apparently is big enough in KR to warrant a dedicated e-store. Pretty happy with this buy, knowing the brand LOL #BrandHoarInTraining

Tatty's prices are a little high, but resale in NZ doesn't seem to have the same idea as resale in US/Canada soooo This blouse for $30 was pretty ok. I gave in and bought it before they slashed the prices since it's cute ;v; zero self control there.

Then I found this adorable skort which I really did not actually want to shill out for, because let's be honest - I'll most likely never wear it out. It's too short. But that's ok, I still happily bought this for homewear :')

Who can say no to onespo *brand new condition* at $15?
I especially love onespo's Daisy items. Super wanted the apron-type dress and the matching wedges (or was it heels?) Anyway the series is super damn cute la!

Tatty's is the only store I've seen japanese brands in. I previously spotted Princess Melody and Sugar Gloss, and today I also saw a Bodyline skirt so I'm suuuuper addicted to this store atm. Gonna check it out again next week to see if there may be any new goodies >w<

I swear the store is run by an Asian person. How do they judge brands like these eh!? There's a surprisingly large amount of asian-style clothing!

Anyway, moving on.

I also bought some hair dyes and cut my hair today.
No photo of my hair yet, but I am super happy with my hairdresser right now. He cut it perfectly <3

Freshlight Passion Blonde | Champagne Pink

Passion Blonde & Champagne Pink color charts
The pink is quite subtle... TBH when I went dye hunting I wasn't too sure what I wanted. I actually wanted to cut one side of my hair super short and then dye the whole thing ash, with red streaks, but then I saw this pink and decided to try it since I haven't done so before.

Plus, I have been waiting for Ippondo to stock the Freshlight creme dyes for forever. The texture of these are gorgeous, and they are so so so much easier to work with than the freakin bubble dye >:|

Unfortunately I didn't end up cutting my hair super short, but I did dye the blonde today. I didn't go even close to blonde - not even close to orange! - but it did lift my hair a tiny bit....

I'm really rusty with hair dying now. I look at my hair and it's like "...I knew this was gonna happen, why was I so stupid with applying the dye eh" ==
So my hair isn't exactly what I had had hoped it would be, however I will be applying the pink on Friday *fingers crossed* and if the pink does what it should, then the overall effect should still be pretty good ><

We're finally halfway through the last week of uni urgh! Thank goodness holidays begin in 2 days - unis in the northern hemisphere should be in the midst of final exams now? So jealous of my friends in Toronto who are planning their summer vacay at the moment ;v;

Speaking of vacay, I may be visiting Europe in Late June / Early July! It's not very ironed out yet, but if I do go, I will be travelling around Prague and possibly surrounding cities/countries for about 15 days!!! ><
If there is anyone in the region, I would love to meet up!
Also, if anyone lives in that area and can recommend me good restaurants/eateries I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!!! :D

OK now to begin that literature review due next Tuesday...*flubber flubber die* Dx


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