Angel Wing Heart Thoughts :: Career vs. Gyaru | SnowRiiの世界

Thursday 24 April 2014


Thoughts :: Career vs. Gyaru

TL;DR is the last paragraph.

Yesterday I finally checked my Snow Rii facebook after a couple days of hiatus. I used to be logged in on Snow Rii on the facebook app, and my private account on the safari browser, but recently there's been too much random stuff on Snow Rii's feed so I changed accounts.

It was really shocking to be greeted with a link to ameblo, where egg was officially announced as ending in a month.

Honestly, it's like the drama in the gyaru community never ends. before something ends, something else would start up. And even if there's nothing, something gets stirred up anyway. It's kind of tiring :/

I like meeting all the girls in the gyaru comm, or at least most of them (plain truth: some people are just unpleasant) but it's so abstracted from the needs of daily life that when I look back on what I have done this past year, I really noticed how much time was wasted doing....nothing? Nothing of value anyway. Just opinionated people posting stuff 20 times a day, saying things that make them all high and mighty but are actually irrelevant to probably 99% of the people that skim it.

The energy has also been so low in the gyaru comm what with all the magazines going. Tbh I was a little sad about it too, but life goes on, and it isn't the end of the world. I liked egg too - don't get me wrong, it was one of my favourite gyaru magazine. And it will always be the most fun gyaru mag in my eyes, but I guess because the past 2 issues have been dreadful, I wasn't too sad to see it cut before it gets worse. #nofilter lol.

Recently I also bought some more clothes to fill my wardrobe. Looking at this cart, I bought about 1/4 mainstream clothes/accessories. Gyaru obviously is quite expensive, especially since I really really want to own something with ma*rs' gorgeous prints, and it's reaching the point where I actually cannot/should not be funding both work, Lolita, and gyaru clothes. They're all expensive wtf, and combined together is just unmanageable .-.

Lastly of course, there is also the fast approaching issue of finding a post graduate job. I study IT which opens a huge number of career opportunities ranging from a nice small 9-5 job, to positions in massive firms. I still don't know if I want to work those 80hrs+ a week jobs, but at the same time if I settle for a 9-5 job it feels like I'm actually just....settling. Both have their perks, so it's a real struggle trying to decide what would be the best approach. After all, it's a lot harder to do a career change once I am officially out in the working world...

And how does it all tie together? Well, I'm mostly trying to decide where I want to go in the gyaru community or perhaps withdraw from it, and how to balance reality with the gyaru lifestyle! Both are so consuming, I'm really torn! Are there any gyaru people that work high profile jobs? I really need to find some people I could look to and see how they got to where they are, and whether it is actually possible to juggle both?



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