Angel Wing Heart Farmers A/W Fashion Collection Launch! [Confetti] | SnowRiiの世界

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Farmers A/W Fashion Collection Launch! [Confetti]


Uni just started up again for the new year. The past week has been surprisingly hectic – perhaps I just need a bit of time getting used the uni routine again?

Shortly before uni resumed, Confetti was invited to take a sneak peek at Farmers Department Store's core A/W fashion collection! Cora couldn't attend (that busy busy girl!), so Little and I went by ourselves ((´д`))

It was a suuuper hot day, and we got so lost on the way there that we ended up going to the police depot to ask for directions.

Not like we're foreigners or anything (; ̄д ̄)

At the launch event, we were taken around and given a brief introduction to the inspiration for each of the key trends this season – Punk, Sloane Ranger,English Rose, and English Glamour.

If you haven't figured it out yet, this season is drawn from several iconic British styles through time.
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