Angel Wing Heart Prizes from Ly's Bad Gal Giveaway! | SnowRiiの世界

Sunday 25 May 2014

Prizes from Ly's Bad Gal Giveaway!


This is the first time I have EVER won a giveaway omg. And I am especially excited because I super love the prizes!

Funny story actually: I often get packages from buying online and whatnot, but this time it was a written package, and from Europe. My mom was really freaked out that I receive packages from friends on the net QAQ

She's one of those paranoid Asian moms, so I understand where she's coming from but omg, I wouldn't give out my address to some suspicious creepy person. She doesn't understand the whole blogging community and culture online, and I don't think she could (or will want to) anyway so I'm just going to avoid the topic and get packages sent to uni or something in the future ><

Now, onto my prizes!

My first pack of Diamond lashes! Haven't had the chance to try these yet but I love them! <3
TBH I am always a little skeptical of the worth of these Japanese brand lashes that are hella expensive and don't have many pairs in a pack, but the design really is quite nice! QAQ

I think bottom lashes are better value for investment, since top lashes can be stacked to produce different looks but bottom lashes can't really be stacked and Ebay doesn't have that many nice designs of lower lashes (and who has time to snip sections of lashes together? nopeeeee).

Black Diamond's first CD (I think?)
Legitimately like track 3 and 4 more than 1 & 2. (3 & 4 are without their singing). The amount of autotune is painful, but the composition is really energetic ne~

XIII mesh cap! (Worn in my outfit at the bottom of this post)
First item from XIII. I don't wear much ora ora so this is a brand I don't really follow, but this cap is really nice for kuro/oraora styles! *v*

Don't know what happened with my camera here. These are the fluffy legwarmers!
The bototm half shows the color more accurately I think. They're not very yellow at all! My camera must have capture mid-exposure-adjustment? I don't know how my camera works at all QAQ

Gold cross ring!
I kept putting this ring the wrong way. One ring hole is bigger than the other and I kept getting it stuck on my hand LOL

And a lovely letter from Ly <3
Honestly I think my favourite part of receiving parcels (that I didn't buy) are the letters I get! So sweet :')

Thank you so much Ly for hosting this giveaway! Check our her blog for rokku/onee/tsuyome styles!

Pulled from my Tumblr

Oh yes, follow my Tumblr for high quality images of gyaru and lolita styles with the occasional rare PC text reblog! I don't spam that much, but I definitely update there and on Twitter more than my Instagram :D


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