Angel Wing Heart Pastel dolly outfit | SnowRiiの世界

Sunday 25 May 2014

Pastel dolly outfit

Generally I don't blog my outfits...after all, everything from instagram gets sent to Tumblr, so why put it up on here right? And I've made a board on my Pinterest for outfits, but so far I've been pretty lazy with updating that too...

However, this was the first time I have dressed in a pastel Harajuku style in a while and I really liked this look. It definitely deserves a blog post of its own, even though it's from a week ago. Also, it marks the moment I started using Tumblr on a regular basis so woot!

I actually wore this just because I wanted to work out how to wear my new brown hair pieces. In the end, I decided it's not going to stay the way it is, and I will be buying hair extension clips to sew into these to make them stay. A review of these hair pieces and accessories will be in my taobao haul post next week :)

Can you tell I like filters? And my little twin stars phone case is super cuteeeee <3
Why are photos from instagram so yellow QAQ
Again, from instagram

Yep, got some work to do on these hair pieces, but I am super happy with how dolly they are! No teasing needed to achieve the 'big hair' look woot woot! <3


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