Angel Wing Heart Fashion Quarterly x GHD Spring Fashion Preview | SnowRiiの世界

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Fashion Quarterly x GHD Spring Fashion Preview


Super late post again! Arietta at KnotJustAScarf has already been posting up photos from the show for several days now... See all her posts regarding the show here, and her thoughts on the evening here!

I was in the second row, and didn't bring my DSLR so my iPhone photos were pretty shoddy to say the least. Fashion Quarterly finally released their professional photos on fashion & beauty for the show today, so here are my favourite pieces from the show, and some extras around the location, and of course: selfies! ^^

The show consisted of four styles, each with four outfits: Tribal, Art Pop, 70s Glam, and  Embellishment.
I personally didn't like the Tribal set much. Not because it's the polar opposite of gyaru aesthetics, but I just personally didn't like any of the outfits at all.

Also, the photographers didn't capture every full outfit, so all three of my favourites have the shoes cropped off. I'm pretty lucky they had close-ups of my favourites actually, seeing as they didn't publish many photos from the runway.

all high quality images, unless otherwise specified, belong to FQ.

ghd fashion quarterly
Trelise Cooper sweatshirt, Topshop dres, Chaos & Harmony heels (not pictured)
The above outfit is my favourite in the show. Didn't really feel much for the shoes, but loved loved everything else including the hair/make!

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Helen Cherry top, Karen Walker skirt, Karen Walker boots (hardly pictured)
I'm so sad that the photographers cropped off so many shoes. I couldn't see them from my seat so I was really looking forward to these photos.

Plus, the model above had really nice legs and her over-the-knee boots looked so good with the outfit. :<

ghd fashion quarterly
Karen Walker dress and pendant, Nude heels (not pictured)
How cool is this dress? Seriously. I seem to like a lot of outfits worn by this model. Perhaps she's my bias? hahaha

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Behind-the-scenes ~ it looks like so much fun! 

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Demo stations and goodie bag contents ~ 

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I didn't really like the outfits from the tribal lineup (which this hairstyle is for), but the model looks stunning in this shot! Her 3/4 profile is so nice QAQ
Am I being creepy? Nope.

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This is THE only flattering candid of me. In the whole world. Ever. Just leaving it here forever :)
I wasn't even the main focus of the photo. But that's alright, my jawline is fabulous QAQ

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Poncho: Honeys, Dress: Forever New, Necklace: Diva, Bag: Galaday, Heels: Wild Pair.
Sorry for the iPhone quality!
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I like gifts haha
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Bunny teef! (Arietta looks so business-woman!)
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This selfie is also on my instagram I think.
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Selfie (filtered) from Arietta's camera <3
Drinks before the show were down in Bedford Soda & Liquor, while the show itself was held in the adjacent building up in the Sapphire Room. Bedford Soda & Liquor was pretty darn hard to find imo. It's in the back of a building with several different bars. I felt so awkward walking through in my dress, sky high heels, and fluffy poncho, while the guests in the other establishments in the building were dressed in work clothes. Definitely something I need to toughen up on ><

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Outside the Sapphire Room

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Awesome lights inside Bedford Soda & Liquor
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Awesome shelves
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Hehe this photo somehow looks a little creepy...
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Panning left - diner type number signs? Perhaps I've watched too many American movies
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Bar counter, and the massive bowl of punch
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Grapefruit and something punch. Bitter, but c'mon it's so pretty!
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Serious blogger hard at work. Photo taken by not-so-serious blogger (moi).
edit: Forgot to put up this last photo! I got a strand tested at the beauty booth :D

The strand stayed pretty put for the two hours or so before I removed my extensions ^^
Photo courtesy of Arietta Yin

Hope you enjoyed this post! This was such a rare venture into non-alternative fashion for me lol.


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