Angel Wing Heart Liz Lisa haul arrived! + First outfit / Penderie | SnowRiiの世界

Monday 11 August 2014


Liz Lisa haul arrived! + First outfit / Penderie


Sorry it's been a heck of a long time since I last updated! I've finally moved all my 2000+ travel photos onto my computer, so hopefully I can upload the posts soon since I've already typed them out like the eager beaver I am *v*

My Liz Lisa package came in on Friday, unfortunately in the very early morning (as they do), but I was so excited because it literally came three or four days after I received the 'item sent' email from Tenso!! They are SO FAST. I cannot stress how amazing Tenso's service has been throughout the entire shipping service process!

Here are my lovely items in all their packaged glory~

My shoes came in the shoe box perfectly stuffed with huge balls of paper (as expected of Liz Lisa), and all the clothes were acting as cushions in the package for my friend's snacks. There were also other random pieces of paper stuffed in the box to keep his snacks safe -0-
The amount of packaging and the space they left in the box is insane. The over-packaging is probably the only problem I have with Tenso tbh.

Yes. My friend B bought snacks to be shipped over with me. No, the snacks were not worth buying after the shipping cost was added. Moral of the story: buy things that are expensive compared to their weight. ie. just clothes.

Of course, no haul post can be uploaded without an outfit!
I actually wanted to take photos of all my clothes before doing this post, but I don't think I will be wearing some of them for a while because the temperature suddenly dropped last weekend, even though we are supposedly heading into spring. Lovely typical New Zealand weather yeah? xD

So anyway here's my Penderie dress, which was a whopping 70% off or something!

Ripped off my instagram @snowrii because I've lost the original photo :'(
The quality is seriously amazing for ~20USD. Brand items are so worth buying when they go on sale fufufu *v*

My face for that day
I haven't really had a chance (or the will) to put on proper makeup the last two weeks, what with uni life really catching up on me, but I'm finally getting back to it! The fashion season is coming up in New Zealand, so hopefully there will be a lot more local content to blog about ^^

Stay tuned for my other Liz Lisa outfits and travel tips for Europe & Japan!

  1. Nagareboshi said... 12 August 2014 at 06:09

    Gotta love Liz Lisa! I really love that outfit on you. ^^
    Tenso is amazing. When I order from Japan, I always use them and they are always cheap and fast! So reliable. ^^
    I've been so slack with the make-up. I'm just wearing mascara these days... Early mornings and all.. =__= Plus my eyes still are doing weird things, being allergic to who knows what.

  2. Snow Rii said... 12 August 2014 at 16:03

    Hehe thank you!! ^^

    Right~~ I just wish they packed tighter... have you seen the packing from my chinese proxy? LOL they are fabulous. Here's a video I took of an unboxing (it's not public viewable on youtube, but the link should work)

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