Angel Wing Heart Liebster Award! | SnowRiiの世界

Sunday 24 August 2014


Liebster Award!

Thank you Susy and Roxy for nominating me for the Liebster Award!

Taken from Susy's blog

Been seeing this award going around, but never did it myself. I usually don't do chain stuff because it really irks me when I see stuff say 'pass me along' and stuff like that like I'm obligated to do it or something. But I guess blogging is one of those things to get me doing things outside my comfort zone, so I'll do my best to be positive about stuff like this!

So here's the rules for the Liebster Award:

Susy's Questions

1. How long have you been blogging?
I've been blogging on a few blogs, technically from 2012 maybe? I started this blog in Dec 2013 though, and hopefully will stick with it~

2. If someone gave you $40 to spend on beauty products, what would you buy?
A Chanel rouge coco shine lipstick. I am addicted to that line of products.

3. Do you read manga? If you do, which is your favourite one?
I do, I read a heck of a lot hahaha. My all time favourite has to be NANA (Ai Yazawa), but I have many favourites!

4. Have you ever been to another continent?
I have been to North America, Europe, Asia, Australasia (does that count? Because I came from Asia so it should count? lol)

5. What is your favourite dessert?
My favourite dessert is probably tiramisu. I eat it way too much QAQ

6. What is your best feature?
My best feature is... my passion for beauty? haha I love doing nails and hair and makeup and looking at fashion. Possibly love it a bit too much actually...

7.  Who's your favourite blogger/vlogger?
I don't have a favourite. I need to find more bloggers.

8. If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
Baby pastel-near-white pink. DID YOU SEE THAT COMING? xD

9. What is your favourite brand and why?
Versace. I honestly don't know but I just love Versace.

10. Who's your girl crush?
I don't have one.

11. What's your favourite band/group?
I don't have one.

Gosh, I seem to be unable to answer a whole heap of questions wtf :/
Sorry Susy! QAQ

Roxy's Questions

1. Why did you start blogging?
I have a terrible memory and I wanted a way to make sure I can look back when I'm old and actually see stuff in detail haha. Blogging helps other people too, rather than keeping a private diary ^^

2. How long have you been blogging?
See answer in Susy's question #1.

3. What’s your favourite cosmetic item?
Lipstick. But my must have is eyebrow pencil.

4. If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
Probably just be me haha but a better me.

5. What is your must have item right now?
I'm really in need of a watch at the moment... one I can wear for work QAQ

6. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself?
I want to be more proactive.

7. What’s one thing you can’t live without?
Food/water. Just being practical here xD
Actually though. None of the materialistic stuff I absolutely can't live without o.O

8. In 3 words, how would your friends describe you?
Fashion, Asian, Foodster

9. Which country would you like to live in?
Switzerland. (though I'm reconsidering on the basis that it gets to -20 degrees celsius in winter....)

10. Who is your favourite blogger or youtuber?
Refer to Susy's question #7.

11. What is your favourite fashion style?

11 Facts about me

1. I love art, but can't draw for sh** even though I took (many) lessons as a child. That's why even though I say my Instagram is for fashion, I do follow a few art accounts that I really admire.
2. I also love gymnastics (both artistic and rhythmic) but I took it up in intermediate and by then I was way too stiff to get anywhere without a ridiculous amount of effort.
3. I am a huge bookworm. Fiction book-giant-worm.
4. I used to play tennis and I still blame it for my massive as heck calves which will never shrink.
5. I would like to get muscles surgically removed to reduce the size of my calves if it's possible. Can't nobody (not even a nutritionist) convince me that I want more muscles. Nope.
6. My weight yoyos like crazy because I love food and I have zero self-control. Or I do, but my self-control is a real hypocrite.
7. I'm frugal as heck, but sometimes I spend as if money drops from trees. I'm a big fat paradox in that sense too.
8. I love making awesome nail designs and doing awesome hair colors. Sometimes I wish I could live alternate lives where I could be in the beauty industry.
9. I love a lot of different styles, so much that (for example) I wish I could buy several different houses so I can decorate them in different styles. But that's excessive. I don't know what I'll do when I get my own place. The internal conflict is strong :/
10. I'm really really lazy. As if you wouldn't know by now.
11. I'm getting real sick of this long as Liebster award thing.

Yeah I just gave up at 10 and 11. Sorry not sorry >>;

11 Blogs I am nominating

2. Kurumi

OK this post has taken me an entire hour and I really don't have the time to find 6 more people to nominate so if you read this and haven't done the Liebster Award, CONSIDER YOURSELF NOMINATED :)

11 Questions for bloggers I've nominated

1. What was your inseparable childhood plushie?
2. What was the first cartoon you absolutely loved as a kid?
3. If you could makeover one celebrity for fun, who would it be and what style would you makeover them to be? (photos optional!)
4. If you could do one crazy daring thing right now what would it be? (ie. skydiving, etc.)
5. Have you had a 'crap I could have died doing that' moment, and what was it that you did?
6. If you went without internet for a day, what would you be doing instead?
7. What is the weirdest proposal you have received?
8. What style do you think you will have when you're 80? (photos optional)
9. What are your favourite shoes right now? (doesn't have to be one you own)
10. What is your must-have beauty product in your daily bag at the moment?
11. What was the last song you listened to / are listening to right now?

Have fun bloggers hue hue hue I'm done~~~~
Comment me when you've done them!! I'd like to check them out (though I followed you guys anyway so I guess I'll see them on my feed anyway right right? :)))


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